20 Jun

You’re older than you think.

Hold on.... 

I’m talking older - Ancestry wise.

Archeologists found our human-like ancestors made tools around 2.5 million years ago. 

Modern human skeletons were discovered to be around 200,000 years old. 

The earliest civilizations were recorded around five to six thousand years ago. I’m willing to bet life wasn’t easy back then either.  

Our ancient relatives were struggling to survive on this hostile planet for eons, and up until the very recent past, life has been hard for those of us who walk on two feet.

For millions of years, us humans have been programmed to work hard and fight for survival. Because of this, our bodies have evolved to MOVE. 

They’re fully equipped and capable to deal with running, lifting and moving heavy things, and long hours of labor. 

We‘re masters at adapting to our external environment, and becoming more prepared for the next day’s toils. 

All without us even thinking about it. 

Actually, we mentally, emotionally, and physically thrive on it.

You, as a woman, have millions of years of physically Doing Absolutely Everything to create, grow, and protect your family and tribe inside of you. This is running through your veins. It will never go away, and wants to be expressed and used.

You, as a man, have millions of years of Hunter, Warrior, and Builder inside of you. This is running through your veins. It will never go away and wants to be expressed and used. 

In our new, easy-peasy civilization where food is trucked in, machines do most of our work, and natural predators are kept far away, most of us make our living with little need for physical action. 

Our bodies don’t know what to do with this regular inactivity. 

This lack of hard effort is incredibly unnatural to us, and we quickly go into dysfunction when this becomes the norm. 

We’ve forgotten that we thrive on struggling, enduring and succeeding. We’ve disconnected from our ancestors, and we’re physically and mentally suffering for it. 

Have we ever really thought WHY medical research tells us that exercise is vital for our health? 

Because exercise mimics how we used to live for millions of years! 

Stress, strain, sweat, and striving are our REAL normal operating modes. Our bodies want to do this so badly, that we now actually have to pretend we’re fighting to survive to stay mentally and physically healthy.

That’s what exercise is.

Our bodies always take the bait, thank goodness. They recover and adapt from our “Struggle” to make us healthier and stronger, so we can survive better the next day. 

Strength, speed, energy, and agility are your natural birth-right. 

They’ve been handed to you by your long line of tough-as-nails ancestors. They toiled and succeeded long enough to make your great-great-great-great....grandparents, who made your parents, so they could make you.

Strength training is a great way to remind us of who we really are:

Successful organisms who fought the hardships of life - and survived. 

As the weights get heavier, you’ll feel these dormant parts of you coming out. It’s primal, invigorating, and life-affirming. 

Actually, it’s also quite addicting. 

After finishing a heavy set, you’ll feel a surge of energy go through you as you find yourself wanting to give a ancestral yell. 

You’ll feel this life-affirming surge happen at any age. 

I live for it.

Your real family tree is huge, and your ancestors want to connect and talk to you. 

Their message is deep in your cells. 

Get going on strength training, and start the conversation. 

Get strong as hell,

Coach Ken

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