13 Jun

I was shocked.

When researching for my post, “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” I read something that floored me. 

Young adults are not the largest group of people who commit suicide. They’re not even close. 

I knew males are 4 times more likely to end their lives than females. 

But what I didn’t know? Suicide is the highest in men 75 years and older. 

There’s no close second.


I don’t see this in the news anywhere.  

Why are men in their last 2-3 decades not wanting to live anymore? Why are women’s rate of suicide so much lower? 

Why is nobody talking about this?

Let’s start by looking at how we’re deeply programmed to see the world, and ourselves in it.

In “Connect to our Roots,” I talk about how for millions of years, men were hunters, warriors, and builders. They contributed by keeping their clan alive. 

Those abilities gave them a high sense of value. Today building, hunting, and protecting can be accomplished by making money. 

No killing required. 

But after retirement, with a body that is feeble from disuse and the absence of making income, how can he still feel like - a man? 

This is why women’s rate of suicide is so much less. 

For millions of years they physically busted their butts too, but another huge component to their survival was creating community. This is something women can be part of their entire lives. 

I see this sense of community building all throughout nursing homes. Women talk to each other, compliment each other, save and sneak food for each other, cheer each other on, and know each others’ birthdays. They’re still creating community and giving themselves a solid sense of self worth.

Older men? 

I’ve been in countless nursing homes, assisted living apartments, and residential care suites with men as roommates, and I rarely see them talk to each other. 

No community there. 

Can’t blame them, it’s not in their instincts. But they suffer for it. 

So how do we stop older men from feeling life isn’t worth living? 

First and foremost, we need to stress and strain their bodies again. Strength training, at whatever capacity, sends deep signals throughout their bodies and brains that they’re back in the game. They’ll have that primal sense that they’re struggling and striving to survive, and they’ll love it. 

Have them strength train together, and now they’ll have something to talk about. They’ll bond like a pack of hunters getting food for their village. 

Tons of studies show that men who have meaningful relationships recover faster and live longer. 

But few men just talk. They need to talk over or about something, by sharing a common goal with levels of accomplishment. Most of successful men’s groups are organized like packs. That’s no coincidence.

Feed them like hunters and warriors. Meat and vegetables, and NOT at a mindless three meals a day. 

Their new strength and energy will propel them to find new challenges, set new goals, and have new accomplishments.

These men will feel alive again, have a new look in their eye, and instinctively feel a deeper sense of purpose. 

This is their beginning of feeling 2nd 50 Strong. 

But what’s even more effective, is never letting it come to this in the first place. Having men march into their 70s and 80s with confidence and pride is our real goal.

Instead of being shocked, let’s shock the world with a new breed of 2nd 50 men.

Get strong as hell,

Coach Ken

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