04 May

Is there anything more exciting than aging? 

No my friends, there’s not. 

If you want some real fun, google: ‘How your body changes after 50.’ and you’ll end up with a stiff drink in your hand. 

The amount of negative changes are staggering. 

Don’t have the time? I did it for you - you’re welcome :)

Here’s a short list, in no logical order:

1- Our immune systems can’t kick as much viral ass as they used to. It’s ability to fight infection steadily declines over time.

2- Our bones get less dense and more prone to breaking. This is not just the ladies, guys, it’s you too.

3- Our muscle mass decreases. With biggest losses in the most helpful muscles. Yippee.

4- Our joints wear out and are more vulnerable to injury. The cartilage thins, and tendons and ligaments get brittle.

5- Our hearts get less efficient at pumping blood, and our heart attack risk factors go up and up.

6- We suffer frequently from depression and anxiety. It’s so common now it’s scary.

7-Our hair thins and recedes. Very true for me and my bald spot.

8-Our skin becomes thinner, dryer, and develops age spots. I’m repeatedly shocked at how old my hands look when I’m driving.

9- Our vision declines with a higher chance for glaucoma. Actually, it’s just the damn vitamin companies that made the print on their bottles so uselessly small. Our eyes are fine.....

10- Our healing abilities slow down. When working out, my new #1 goal is to not get hurt. 

11- We put on more fat. The CDC says we gain1-2 lbs a year after early adulthood. They weren’t taking about muscle. 

12-Our metabolism slows down by 15% by the time we’re 50, and then continues to decline. This is why most people in their 90’s eat like birds.

Did I miss something? You bet I did. But I’m stopping here before I end up with that stiff drink.

Before we all hang our heads and shuffle away, let’s talk.

I don’t deny the scientists and doctors did a solid job researching this subject. I’m sure their findings were accurate and valid. Bravo to them.

But I do have one question.

Who were they studying? 

Were they looking at aging athletes?

 2nd 50 Strong people?

Nope. They weren’t.

All of this depressing information came from studying the ‘normal’ aging population. What I call the Average Aging American. Who, by the way, are mostly sedentary, poor eaters, and generally uninvested in controlling their own health. That’s good for us because, well, that’s not us.

What does science say about the aging athlete who trains to AVOID the things on that list?

Not much. 

Oh, you can find research articles praising strength training for the elderly. But we are no where near scientifically separating the process of athletic aging from average aging. 

That surface is just being scratched. 

So here’s my advice to you, don’t buy into all the negative crap of aging. Use the above list as a reminder of what can happen if you don’t get and stay 2nd 50 Strong. 

Things will change as we get older, and something will get us in the end. But we don’t have to end up as pathetic as the Average Aging American these studies were based on. 

Fight back. Get control over your aging process. When there’s finally enough of us, we can show science our bodies after 50. 

They will make a much shorter list.

Get strong as hell,

Coach Ken

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