27 Jul

“You can have all the success and riches in the world, but if you don’t have your health......” we all know the end of that saying by Steven Adler.

Having a fun and meaningful life in our 2nd 50 is a lot easier with a high performance body. 

In his amazing book, “I’ve Decided to Live 120 Years,” author, Ilchi Lee writes, “Physical power is a cornerstone for happiness and health in old age.....If you don’t know where or how to begin designing your old age, try starting with physical power.” 

Our bodies are our true vehicles. They bring us everywhere.  

A strong body can perform new ideas we create in our minds. Being strong inspires us to have bigger and better plans in our 2nd 50 years, because we know our bodies can carry them out. 

We’re all living longer. Thank medical science for that. As our life expectancy increases, the issue changes from how long we’re going to live, to how we’re going to live it. 

In society’s last 2-3 decades of life, there’s too much quantity, and not enough quality.  

The way many people are living their last decades, there are worse things to fear than death.

Let’s stop relying on doctors to extend our lives at all costs, and take up the challenge to improve the life we have now. 

Everyday I do what it takes to feel young. People think I’m delusional.

I’ve heard them throw at me every negative statement society has to offer.

They think death is what I’m fighting against, but it isn’t.  

I’m not looking to live forever. 

I’m just looking to live. Right now. 

I mean, really live. 

Having action, adventure, and deep purpose far into my 2nd 50 years, and then let death come as it may.

That’s what I’m fighting for. 

Many of us won’t scramble up a mountain and go exploring or play a football game with a group of kids, either because we physically can’t, or we’re too afraid what would happen if we did. 

It shouldn’t be this way. 

When we lose our physical youth, we didn't just ‘get old. 
We stopped moving. 

We blame our low performing bodies on the passage of time, when time had nothing to do with it. 

Society shows us that children can have overweight, weak, and low performing bodies when they adopt the overeating, under-moving lifestyle of adults. 

Society also shows us aging athletes who run marathons, body build, and play sports in their 70’s, 80’s and beyond.

Age has nothing to do with it. 

Mindset and physical action are the real issues here.

Yes, life can throw us a curve ball of trauma and disease. I’ve seen some strong people go down with bad luck. 

But that aside, the condition of our aging has everything to do with HOW WE ARE LIVING, not how long we’ve been here.

Our bodies are bound to the Survival Principle. We adapt to our external environment. 

What we use grows stronger, what we neglect gets weaker - at any age.


Don’t be powerless to the passage of time. 

Be prouder than that. 

Take your power back.

Wherever we are, and whatever physical condition we’re in, let’s make our life something we control. An adventure worth living! 

Your life is YOURS, not what society thinks it should be.

Abraham Lincoln said, “The best way to predict your future, is to create it.”

So let’s create! 

Start with your physical power.

Lift weights and feel the change.

Get strong as hell,

Coach Ken

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