17 Jun

Women are superheroes.

It’s undeniable that women have been severely underrated throughout time, and repeatedly get the short end of the recognition stick.  

In my experience, women excel with organization, communication, multitasking, community building, enduring pain, caring for others, being ethical,..... the list of super powers goes on and on.

But with the relative ease of the last couple centuries, most women have lost one of their superpowers. 

Raw strength. 

They can now accomplish their daily jobs without the need of a strong body. Many women are now in the same sedentary nine to five roles as men.  

That’s a piece of equality they don’t want.

A physically strong women is superior to any man, because at that point, she lacks nothing. Until she wants children of course. Thank god they can’t do that by themselves on a regular basis.

Raw strength shouldn’t feel foreign to any woman, because it’s deeply coded in every cell in her body from her ancestral roots.

For the last two and a half million years, women had to be strong to survive. They used their skills and physical strength to do absolutely everything when males were out hunting and fighting.    

They were tough as nails, and masters at dealing with whatever life threw at them. Look at the amount of change women deal with naturally with their own bodies, and they do it with grace and dignity.

But now as women are no longer stressing and straining their once strong bodies for survival, they expose their one weakness. 

Like Achilles with his heel, and Superman with kryptonite, women have one major weak spot.

Their bones.

Women’s bones lose their density at an alarming rate in their 2nd 50 years. This is what medicine calls Osteoporosis. I’ve seen specimens of womens’ bones with this problem.

They look like an underground mine with too many tunnels. It could collapse at any minute. 

And they do. 

Inactivity in our 2nd 50 years speeds up bone loss, because lack of stress and strain tells our body we’re not struggling for survival anymore. The body won’t feed what it doesn’t need.

25% of all women over 65 have diagnosed osteoporosis. It’s four times more common in women than men. 75% of all hip fractures are in women, and 30% of them die in one year. 

This is a problem. 

Our superheroes shouldn’t go down like this.

So how do women build up and fortify their internal framework? 

Weight bearing exercises. 

When heavy forces travel through bone, they literally create an electrical current. This current attracts bone building molecules to make them stronger and more dense. It’s like calling in the construction crew.

The more force the bone deals with, the stronger it gets. This system makes the most heavily used bones in the body the strongest. 


The 2nd 50 Strong system uses and loads ALL of women’s bones to make them stronger through barbell weight training. 

Exercises like squats, deadlifts, standing presses and bench press can prevent, stop, and reverse bone breakdown in women.

As the weights get progressively heavier, the signal to build more bone increases. The chance of getting fractures gets smaller.

Weight training for females is vital for kicking their kryptonite to the curb. 

It keeps our beloved heroes super, with an active, exciting, and pain free life.

Lord knows, if I’m tied down on the tracks with a train coming, I don’t want Superman to come save me......

Get strong as hell,

Coach Ken

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