02 Jul

Zombies do exist.

I saw them at the supermarket. 

Plain as day. 

They were walking in front of me. Shuffling feet, empty stare, skin sagging on dangling arms.

In a zombie-like trance, they had no idea of the people piling up behind them. I was one of those people, and getting a little pissed off. 

I should’ve been sympathetic, because really, no one wants to be a zombie. 

But instead, I was angry.

Angry that this elderly couple let themselves get this way. 

It’s unnecessary, degrading, and irresponsible to walk like that as we get deeper into our 2nd 50 years.

Here’s a good personal goal for us all:

Don’t ever walk like an “old person.”

You know what I’m talking about. 

The bent over posture. 

The short step length. 

The shuffling feet. 

The lack of free mobility that looks as if the wind blew, they’d fall down. 

They have an appearance of ignorance, and society treats them that way. 

It’s insulting as hell to the aging process.

The old person walk shows the world that the elderly are useless in society. They’re done contributing, and only exist to get in the way of the younger, more mobile generation that are eagerly replacing them.

It’s a basic truth that we teach people how to treat us by the way that we act. The old person walk teaches people to pity and discard us due to the advancement of progress that we’re no longer part of. 

This. Is. Bullshit.

If you’re going to walk like an old person, you might as well just stand there and have random strangers throw pies in your face. It’s equally as degrading, and equally deserved.

I know I sound harsh, and maybe even cruel. 

But that’s because I’m angry. 

Not at any individual person, but angry that this is happening. 

Sympathy for the frail bodied elderly is exactly what keeps them frail. 

It’s as disgusting as “Girl Push-ups.”  They only exist to justify lack of effort, as if there were no other choice.

I’m fed up with people accepting the lie that we get weaker and more feeble as we get older. 

Believing this untruth is a death sentence. Not dead as in buried. I mean dead with a heart beat, a walking zombie.

The old person walk isn’t supposed to happen. 

It’s allowed to happen through having no understanding of our potential, and the resulting non-effort to stay in shape and stay strong.

The image of vitality and strength disappearing with old age is a poison that is constantly fed to us from society and “well meaning” doctors. We’re told to take it easy as we get older.

Take what easy? 


Living with excitement and meaning? 

Keeping our pride and sense of purpose? 

Taking it easy in our later years is simply dying before we’re dead.

Frail elderly are just like screen addicted teenagers wasting their precious lives for no good reason. The urgency comes for us now because we’re running out of time to fix it. 

Start now. 

I mean now.

Reversing being a zombie is doable, but avoiding it all together is much easier. 

Get active.

Lift weights.

Walk with confidence and purpose. Make the chubby twenty somethings move out of your way as you leave them in the dust. 

You are no zombie.

You are 2nd50strong. 

You’re a butt kicker.

Walk like one, roar like one, be treated like one.

Leave the zombies to the B grade horror movies where they belong.

Get strong as hell.

Coach Ken

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