15 May

100 people from the audience were surveyed:

What is something, as we age, we can’t get enough of?

Prune Juice?                 X

Hearing Aides?             XX

Sex?                             Ding!     That’s number 2

Progressive lenses?     XXX

What’s the number one thing we can’t get enough of?  The survey says............  


Aaaaahhhhhh! Everyone looks at each other in amazement and confusion. 

Nobody thought of that.

Yup, it’s protein.

As we go through our 2nd 50 years and become Aging Athletes, protein is something we struggle to get enough of. 

There’s three reasons for this:

1- We create a higher protein need by building new muscles that get us back into butt kicking mode.

2- For some crazy reason we think eating healthier means limiting the foods that naturally give us protein.

3- The older we get, we have a harder time absorbing the protein we eat, it passes right through us and doesn’t get used.

That last one really Sucks.

As we strength train, we’re forcing our bodies to adapt by getting stronger. Strength training makes our bodies WANT to build more muscle. But as with building anything, it needs the right materials. 

Proteins are the major building blocks in our body, and when it comes to getting stronger, it needs to be shipped in by the truckloads.

The best way to get protein is by eating animal products, and I’m no vegetarian. 

Products in the marketplace can range from total crap to elite expensive. This is mostly true for food. I’m all in for animal protein, as long as it’s not on the bottom half of the Crap - Elite Scale. You know exactly what I’m saying. Fast food, and general garbage food is out. Don’t get your protein there.

Grass finished local beef that’s vacuum packaged at my local health food store? I don’t buy that stuff, I’ve got a wife and four kids. 

If you’re not in the mood for meat, you’ve got options. Wheat gluten, AKA Seitan, throws a pie in the face of gluten-free diets, but has a huge amount of non-animal protein. Soy products can be controversial, but are also high on the list. Lentils, beans, and most grains have a worthy amount of protein. As do nuts and seeds. Vegetables aren’t high in protein, but the highest are broccoli, spinach, asparagus and brussel sprouts.

As we age, regular amounts of animal and plant protein will get us only so far with building new muscle. Remember, we’re not absorbing as much of it anymore. It’s a good idea to add extra protein to our diets. 

Let’s talk supplementing.

There are three protein supplements I think are worth taking.

Whey protein: The protein in whey is absorbed and used quickly by the body to build muscle. It’s loaded with the nine essential amino acids(the ones we can’t make). You will see whey as concentrate, isolate, and hydrolysate. I’ve been using whey concentrate for years and I love it. It’s cheaper and has been messed with the least.

Egg white Protein. The protein in eggs is absorbed and utilized slower than whey, so it’s a great way to get protein in your system over a longer time of not eating. I like to take it before bed. It’s a complete protein that is great for people with dairy issues. It’s also fat and cholesterol free if that’s important to you.

Collagen. This goes in my coffee every morning. Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies. 

And guess what? We produce less of it as we age. 

Collagen is the building block for all connective tissue. It builds our skin, tendons, ligaments and hair. Increasing our collagen intake helps protect our joints. Adding regular collagen to things makes them goopy, but the hydrolyzed form mixes with anything.

As you get your younger life back through strength training, you’ll need more protein to grow your muscles.

You don’t have to supplement these proteins, but I do believe they help. At least be conscious of getting more high quality protein in your food.

Can Family Feud be wrong? 


It can’t!

The survey is what it is, so don’t fight it.

Get enough protein.

Get strong as hell,

Coach Ken

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