13 May

You’re invited to a nation-wide party!

You’ll love it. 

It’s where Average Aging Americans look, act, and feel older than they really are.  

Come on over, it’s the Great Dehydration Party! 

I’ll introduce you to some people......Oh wait, they all seem to know you. 

I see. My mistake.

You’ve been mingling for years making small talk, and just never knew it.

In reality, it’s easy to be dehydrated, because we’re just as dependent on water as fish in the sea. They need water on the outside, we need it on the inside. Next to air, it’s our most basic need for survival. 

You owe it to yourself not to be dehydrated. It impacts every aspect of your life so much, that your organs are begging you to give them water everyday. 

Our brains, livers and hearts are 75% water.

Our kidneys, lungs, and muscles are 80% water.

Even our bones contain 31% water, but fat contains only 10%.

As babies we’re about 75% water. Adults are 55-60%. 

In our 2nd 50 years, we drop to 50% water. This shows Average Aging Americans are mostly dehydrated. 

I find this is for three reasons:

1- As we age, we feel less thirsty, so when our bodies need water, we don’t drink it. 

2- We get used to being dehydrated, and think the symptoms are just normal aging.

3- As our mobility decreases, using the bathroom becomes an inconvenience, so we drink less water to avoid ‘needing to go’.

 -Dehydration causes total body shutdown, and the symptoms vary greatly:

-Feeling lethargic and tired all the time.

-Mentally foggy with occasional mild confusion.

-Having dry, sagging skin and sunken eyes - How attractive! 

-Chronic painful joints and sore muscles.

-Frequent constipation and urinary tract infections - Now that’s a good time.

-Weakness and increased rate of falling.

-You’re left with a looming feeling that nothing’s working right. 

We’re told all of this is normal for aging, but I disagree.

That’s dehydration.

Science is too casual about using the word “Normal” when in reality, it’s just common. 

You don’t want all of this extra negative garbage, and I certainly don’t want it for you. 

So now is the time to drink more water - everyday. 

How much?

Take your body weight in pounds, and divide by 2. Drink that much water in ounces a day. 

If you weigh 150 lbs, drink 75 oz. That seems like a tall order, but it’s something worth building up to. 

Staying fully hydrated is the best way to show your body that you care. It takes very little physical effort, but you do have to remember to keep drinking. 

A water container that shows how much you need is ideal. Fill it to your daily amount, spread drinking it throughout the day, and when it’s empty, you’re done. 

In the beginning your toilet will get sick of seeing you, but over short time your body will adapt, and trips to the bathroom will lessen.

Most people are whooping it up at the Great Dehydration Party, but looks can be deceiving. 

They’re miserable.

Drink more water, and let’s start our own 2nd 50 Strong Party! 

I’ll bring the ice.

Get strong as hell,

Coach Ken

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