19 Mar

True story.

I’m walking to evaluate a man who recently fell. 

I’m the physical therapist for this nursing home. I know this man has been living here for over a decade.

I turn into his room and see the typical sight. A beautiful person sitting in a wheelchair, looking at the floor instead of the mindless drivel on TV. It’s always on.

This poor man is alive, but he sure as hell isn’t living.

I check his strength. Have him stand, walk a little, and check his balance. He’s nice enough, but doesn’t engage in any real conversation.

I thank him for his time, and turn to leave his cramped room. 

Then I see it. 

A black and white picture of him with his wife. It’s small, unframed, and easy to miss. They’re smiling, arms around each other, standing next to a shiny 1950’s car. 

The car isn’t old in the picture, and neither are they. They’re both young, full of life, and glowing with happiness. It’s easy to see how much they love each other. I find myself smiling.

I look back at the man in the wheelchair, and the smile leaves my face. So sad. His wife died years earlier. That car, his house, all his possessions - gone. He rarely ever gets a visit from family or friends. 

Again I look at the photo and think, “When that photo was taken, did he ever think his life would end up like this?” No, of course not. Nobody thinks that way. 

But it happens all too often.

Writing up his evaluation, I see this poor man has no major diagnosis or disease. Nothing serious happened to stop him from taking care of himself. In other words, he didn’t need to be there. He’s the result of the slow decline of time. 

Days follow, and I can’t stop thinking about him. How wasted the last years of his life have been. The picture of him and his wife, then of him sitting in his wheelchair, keep playing in my mind. 

Could this have been avoided? Does life need to end this way for people who aren’t really sick? 

No, it doesn’t. 

Most of us don’t have to go out this way. Something can be done about it. Something real and impactful........ 

That’s when I made my decision.

We all need to know how to avoid ending up like this. I’m going to tell as many people as I can.

With my education and training, I know we can stay vibrant, energized and excited to live life into our latest years. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. 

But it’s not common enough. Not because so few get lucky, but because so few are doing what it takes to have it.

I want us all to be one of those few. 

Actually, let’s be so many that we’re not the few anymore. Let’s be active aging adults. Let’s grow stronger as we grow older.

This is my new mission. Our mission.

Join me. 

Get strong as hell,

Coach Ken


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