16 Jul

Some final thoughts....

True change happens on a deep level where external motivation is useless.

Being consistent with anything involves it becoming a part of you. 

We need a mental and emotional connection where we self identify with our strength training. This is the biggest, and most important difference between going to a gym, or working out at home.

I’ve found that leaving the house to go to a gym is something that we do. 

But training at home becomes something that we are. 

Having your Rack right there, done up the way you like it, is a statement to yourself and the world of who you are now.

You’re 2nd50strong. 

You don’t do 2nd50strong. 

You are 2nd50strong. 

Your Strength Rack will be calling you to connect with it. 

To bond with it. 

To put the work into it, and experience what it gives you back. 

Your Rack becomes your ticket to freedom, your magic time machine that makes you feel younger month by month and year by year. And it’s right there in your home.

Your Strength Rack will change with you. You’ll be proud of its scrapes and scratches, because your hard work put them there.  

It’s this personal connection with your anti-aging tools, your weapons, your time machine, whatever you want to call it..... this personal connection makes your transformation to a younger you an internal journey that shows on the outside. 

You’re a Butt Kicker, and you're not done with the world yet. They’re going to hear you roar.

You not doing it.

You’re living it. 

By lifting weights on a regular basis and getting strong as hell, you’re simply being you. The new you that gets stronger and stronger, and lives a more action filled life.

This is how you make real change, by owning it. 

Own your change, by owning your equipment.

Yes, owning your own equipment is expensive.

But is it? 

Many gym memberships are from people who like the idea of going to a gym, but they don’t want to admit that they’re not, so they keep paying the membership without using it.

That’s wasted money.

A gym membership is like renting an apartment. 

You constantly pay money into using equipment that will never be yours. Years down the road and hundreds of dollars later, when you leave your gym, you have no equipment to use. Unless you start paying at another gym.

Having your own equipment is like owning a home. 

You’re building Equity. 

Every time you use your own equipment, your cost per use goes down. If you spend $1,000 on a sweet set up. Your first workout costs $1,000. 

But the second workout makes your two workouts cost $500 each. Your tenth workout makes each one cost $100 each. A down the price per workout goes. That’s building equity in your exercise equipment.


If transforming your life really isn’t for you, you can always sell your equipment and get most of your money back. Good, used weights are hard to find. If you list them, they will sell.

And really, how much is a high performance, 2nd50strong body worth anyway? 

How much would you pay for an exciting, action filled life? 

To be in better shape than people half your age? 

The fair price for Life Freedom is only yours to decide.

So there it is. I’m all in for home workouts. 

It’s not perfect, but nothing is. 

By all means, choose and do what works for you. 

I’m here for you no matter what.

Get strong as hell,

Coach Ken

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