24 May

It’s March of 2020. 

Everyone is staying home, social distancing, and more businesses are closed than open. Going to the supermarket is now top of the list for stress-producing activities. Who would have thought.....

I’m lucky enough to to still have a job, today. Tomorrow, who knows. Physical therapy in skilled nursing facilities and nursing homes is still considered “Essential”.

Even though luckily, thankfully, gratefully, I don’t have much free time, I’m starting this blog. I’ve been thinking about it for years now. 

It just feels right to get started.

It’s Saturday. I’m in comfy clothes, faithful coffee cup at my side. I can feel the heat from the wood stove slowly filling the house. 

It’s perfectly quiet. Everyone is still sleeping at 6:44 in the morning. 

Go figure, I’ve been up since 4:30. How they sleep in is a mystery to me. Jocko Willink wakes up at 4:30am, therefore so do I.

As I start my crusade to strengthen the 2nd 50 population, which now includes me, I realize I have so much still to do. 

So much so that, actually, I have everything to do. 

While shaving this morning I started to make a list in my head. What it will take for me to become successful?

It was a very long list:

I need a location, the right equipment, and oh yes - clients.

Marketing materials?  Probably.

Do I need a brand? I dunno.

Mass Mailing? Talk to doctors? Go door to door? Scary.

I want to grow my crusade locally, by word of mouth, but I need some mouths to spread the word.

How much time should my trainings take? What should I charge? Will I eventually train people in groups, or keep it all individual?

Do I need extra certification? 

And oh yes. I got the crap scared out of me earlier while reading an article about legal issues in personal training, which included real law suit examples. 

That’s just great. 

When I make a mistake, please take my house, car, and total savings. Kick my wife and kids to the street. Now I’m really excited to get started.

How much time do I devote to all this while still making my regular income? Can I do that at all?

It was a much longer list, but I didn’t write it down - it’s gone.

I’m really starting to respect people who build something like this into a living, breathing entity. 

Which leads me to the most important question:

Will I end up respecting myself? 

Get strong as hell,

Coach Ken

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