23 Apr

In nursing homes, every TV is on. 

If it’s not game shows, talk shows, or back - to back - to back episodes of The Golden Girls.....

It’s Soap Operas.

Out of the corner of my eye, I swear only the corner, Soap Operas look like the most foolish thing ever.

Yet they are masterful at grabbing our attention and sucking us in. I’ve felt this first hand as magically two minutes go by and I realize I haven’t even looked at my patient. 


It’s hard to not be sucked into their ever changing drama and emotional complexity. They keep us wanting more. 

Soaps are never boring, and we hate boring stuff. 

Movies are the same way. Sights and sounds jump at us as actors struggle and succeed in a matter of minutes, when in reality it would take years.

We love complicated, exciting, and immediate stimulation. And that’s OK. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, that’s how our brains are wired.

The fitness industry is fully aware of this, and does everything it can to fit in the Soap Opera world. 

There are tons of different exercises done a myriad of different ways. All for exciting, complicated reasons. Programs with bright colors, cool music, and themes that are different from anything else we’ve seen before. 

You’ve seen commercials with fancy exercise equipment that offer foolish promises. They make millions. 

People in the fitness industry try to stand out from the crowd. They want to be new, different, and better. 

But they‘re not.

Oh, they’re new and different. They’re just not better. 

Honestly, they never will be. 

Because our bodies haven’t changed for millennia. They still run on the same indisputable principle that existed before the Babylonians hung their gardens.

The principle is this: We adapt to our external environment for survival. 

That’s it.

That simple.

It’s not exciting, but it is what it is. So why fight it?

Here’s how we’re going to stand out from the crowd, by staying simple and follow the Survival Principle. 

And getting strong as hell.

No flash. No fancy. 

Just effective.

This has given results for thousands of years. It’s never been disproven. If we increase the difficulty of our external environment, we will be forced to adapt to it. 

We get stronger because our bodies want to survive.

This is done best with smart weight training: The Core Four exercises.

How simple is this:

Add a little weight to your bar and your body adapts. You get stronger. Next week, add just a little more weight to your bar, and your body will be forced to adapt to that new external environment. Bam, you got stronger again.

Then Sleep, Eat, Repeat.

It’s that simple. It’s always that simple. 

Here’s to turning aging upside down by feeling younger in your 2nd 50 years of life!

That may be more exciting than Soap Operas.

Get strong as hell,

Coach Ken

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