22 Apr

The bad news is you’re all going to end up looking like this.

The good news is I’m totally lying.

Living in the world of athletics, I know people who are so muscle bound, they can’t reach behind their waist with both hands to tuck in their shirt. 

They remind me of Ralphie’s little brother in “A Christmas Story” after his mom bundled him up for going out in the snow. He could barely move. 

These guys are proud of the way they look, but I have to admit, I chuckle when I see them walk around. It looks like they’re carrying invisible suitcases under each arm. Most of them are also carrying around very large egos, but functionally they’re trapped inside their own bodies.

Here’s a very sad fact:

After committing to the 2nd 50 Strong strength program for years and years, you will have no invisible suitcases.


I’m sure they’re very convenient for carrying around invisible clothes. As much as you may want them, you just won’t end up looking like that.

What you will look like is..... confident.

Confidence may not seem like a physical condition, but trust me, it is.

You’ll stand up straighter, shoulders back and head high. Your strides will be longer without even trying. 

Your movements will be sure and solid, and more graceful as your balance improves.

You won’t second guess if you can lift, move or do something. You’ll just dive in and enjoy using your strong body.

Your muscles will certainly grow, but you’ll still look like you. A more attractive, self-assured version of you. 

You’ll have an easy coolness as you look the twenty somethings in the eye - when you’re forced to deal with them. You may need to hide your smirk as you realize you’re in better shape than they are.

Your muscle will feel harder, fuller, and more lively. You’ll fill your clothes out in a more pleasing way with your new curves and hard lines. 

I know I know. 

I sound like a snake oil salesman. It all sounds too good to be true. And your right, it is too good to be true.   

If you don’t move the weights. 

But if you do the program, in time your new body will fit you like a glove. 

It will be real.

And you will have earned it.

The life of freedom from increased strength is yours to take. It’s your birthright to have strength, balance and energy in your 2nd 50 years of life.

I tell my wrestlers, “You’re either getting better by training, or getting worse by not training. You have two gears in wrestling, Forward and Reverse. There is no neutral.”

Unfortunately, this is also true for life. We‘re either improving or declining. If you’re not sure which category you’re in, look at what you did today, yesterday, and the day before that. You’ll see which direction you’ve been going.

Why not choose to improve? You’re a good person, why not have a better life with a better body? Why not enjoy the freedom strength can give you? 

Why not - not feel old?

Get strong as hell,

Coach Ken

P.S.  Here is what Dr. Kennth Cooper has to Say:

“We do not stop exercising because we grow old - we grow old because we stop exercising.”

P.P.S.  High Five to him.

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