17 May

Hi honey! Bye honey!

No matter what stage of life we’re in, life is busy. 

In college I thought my days were full. When my wife and I were DINKS(double income, no kids) we were always doing something. Now with a family of six, our intimate moments are a quick kiss as we pass in opposite directions with kids in tow.

Life is crazy. 

No matter what stage of life we’re all in, we’ll fill them with things that keep us busy. 

So who has time to strength train? 

Well, really, everybody. 

Soooooo let’s take a different angle.

Who thinks they have time to strength train? That answer is - nobody.

Finding time for something new is hard. Finding time for something that is new and a little difficult is harder. But if we’re honest, we know that not having the time only means it’s not important enough to us. 

Dealing with that is an internal battle I’d rather avoid, so let’s not fight that fight.

We all have better things to do, so weight training needs to be a very small part of our day. We’re going to make it so short, that we’d be hard pressed to think we don’t have the time. 

20-30 minutes a day. Four days a week. 

That’s it.

At 30 minutes a day, that’s 3% of your 16 hour day. At 120 total workout minutes, that’s 1.8% of your awake week.

That’s pretty darn small.

Let’s look at this as an investment. If you put in 120 minutes a week, and get back being stronger, feeling more energetic, and acting younger for the remaining 6,600 waking minutes.......what’s the percent return on that? 

Ready for this? It’s a return of 5,400%.

That.  Is.  Insane. 

And very real.

What’s even crazier, is that I’m actually underselling this, because you’re going to sleep better too. So that 30 minutes of strength training is going to benefit your entire 24 hour day. I won’t calculate those numbers because I’ll probably get dizzy.

There’s not a monetary investment in the world that comes close to this rate of return. 

Want to get more crazy? 

This investment has minimal to no risk. The improvement you’ll feel in your life is GUARANTEED. You’re body is hardwired to adapt to it’s external environment to survive. If you show it that it needs to get stronger by barbell weight training, it 100% will get stronger. 

It has no other option. 

There are scant few medical reasons that allow exception to this, and I’m willing to bet you don’t have one.

So with an investment so amazing, why don’t we jump all over it?


As the weights increase, the 4 Core exercises will take more effort. They will get hard, and that might turn us off. But hard is good. Hard is our friend. 

It’s the hard effort that makes you better, stronger, and more able to thrive. It’s the hard effort that makes your investment hugely profitable and risk free. It’s the hard effort that gives you the results you’ll fall in love with.

But in the end, hard is - hard. And we don't’ want to make all day of it. 

So in our crazy busy world, 30 minutes a day, 4 days a week - fits.

Get in. Get it done. Get out.

Wham. That’s it. Then rake in the benefits. 

In time, you’ll look pretty damn good at being busy.

Get strong as hell,

Coach Ken

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