31 Mar

Remember the Scarface movie? 

Al Pacino cranked on cocaine, blowing the door away with his “Little friend.” Was it a grenade launcher or a machine gun? I don’t know, but it was nasty.

My little friends are far nicer. There’s no drugs or explosives. They’re actually quite docile. They want you to push them around. 

It’s ok, come closer. They don’t bite. I’ve been hangin’ out with these guys for many years now, and I can vouch for ’em. 

They’re on the up and up.



I can’t say I’ve always enjoyed their company, but they’ve always had my back. I respect them for that.

They don’t say much, so you‘ll have to do all the talking. They’re the strong - silent type. 

Don’t worry it’s not a one-way friendship. Actually, they’re going to give you more than you give them. After hanging out with them for years, they’ll look exactly the same. 

But you? You my friend, will be magically transformed.

Who are these guys?

My little friends are free weights. 

Kettle bells, dumbbells, weight plates, and barbells.

Wait! Wait!

Don’t go away. They’re not scary, or hard, or dangerous.

They’re going to meet you wherever you’re at, take your hand, and walk with you. At your pace. 

They’ll slow down when you want to. They’ll speed when you need it. They’ll stop with you when you’re tired. Maybe even get you a coffee.

They’ll be predictable, dependable, and reliable - something you will learn to love.

They might just be the best friends you’ve ever had. 

In our 2nd 50, physical strength creates life freedom. These new friends of ours are the best way to get strong, and that makes them your ticket to freedom.

You may need to use some dumbbells or kettle bells to get started, but our ultimate goal is to use the barbell and the plate weights that go with it.

It doesn’t matter if you just turned 50 and feel athletic, or you’re in your late 80’s and are laughing at how stupid this all sounds. 

The barbell, with it’s corresponding weights, give you the best chance at taking back the life you thought you lost forever. 

What is ‘Getting old’ anyway? It typically means getting weaker. Aches and pains with decreased flexibility. Losing our balance more and getting tired quicker. 

Training in the Core 4 exercises with a barbell improves these problems. It is the perfect answer to aging. 

This is where the barbell shines. You get progressively stronger by slowly and methodically adding small amounts of weight to your bar. Over time there will be a MAJOR difference in your life as your strength continues to improve. 

You’ll become 2nd 50 strong.

Yes, go for daily walks. Find new hobbies. Get you out of your home and connect with people. Being active and staying busy helps you stockpile reasons to get up in the morning. Life becomes exciting again. 

Create new plans for your life, have a mission. Maybe decorate a room in your house with all antiques, or re-do your flower beds, Finally start the woodworking shop in your basement. Maybe start a business. Why not?

Whatever you do, being stronger will make it easier and fun.

Strength is freedom. With your new friends you can be 2nd 50 strong, and enjoying the hell out of life.

You, your loved ones, and your barbell. 

How romantic.

Get strong as hell,

Coach Ken

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