29 Mar

Magic always amazes me.

Probably because I’m not very bright.

Watching something that shouldn’t happen - right before my eyes. I never have a clue how the magician does it. 

Part of me thinks it’s real.

In the world of strength training, I’m a little bit bright. And I have some real magic for you......

Micro loading.

My lovely assistant is going to hand me these tiny plate weights that weigh almost nothing at all.

Watch closely as I place them on your barbell and.........Abracadabra!

They keep you progressing.

Over a long period of time.

Thank you for the applause.

We all hit a point in getting stronger when we’re stuck at a certain weight. Adding one more pair of 5 lb plates on the bar is just too heavy of a jump.

This stops our progress right in it’s tracks, and instead of advancing along, we feel like we’re standing still.

We get frustrated when we’re not progressing anymore. Frustration quickly leads to discouragement, and we stop working out.

 Stopping our lifting program puts us in a tough spot, because...

Lifting weights is hard.

It’s gloriously life changing, but it’s hard.

Getting back on our program takes a lot of mental effort, so falling off should be avoided at all costs.

Enter micro loading.

These tiny little plate weights look more like metal washers than a weight you’d put on a barbell. Yet their effects are powerful.

Quick story.

Years ago I stalled out at 140 lbs with the Press. Progress with the Press is slow anyway. But at this point, trying to get past 140 lbs was like walking into a wall. I couldn’t get through.

Twice I lowered my Press weights and then worked my way back up. Bang. Still stuck at 140. Doubling down on my sleep, eating a lot more food, or even doing heavy singles may have busted through the barrier. But each had drawbacks I didn’t want.

So instead, I got a set of micro plates. 

When it was time to Press again, I added a whopping 1 lb total to the bar. I successfully completed my workout. It physically, mentally, and emotionally felt great.

I wasn’t stuck anymore. I progressed, and felt on top of the world because I knew I was getting stronger again.

The next time I Pressed, I added another total of 1.5 lbs. 

I successfully completed my workout again. My emotional momentum was high and I knew I was on the right track.

It took four Press sessions to add a total of 5 lbs on the bar. That’s slow progress....

But it is progress.

That’s how my Press went for quite some time. It was a slow grind, but it felt great compared to stalling out and going nowhere.

Only with these tiny micro plates can you eek out progress when it’s hard to come by. This is something heavy plate weights can’t do. 

I highly recommend getting some.

If you lift at a gym, they easily fit in your gym bag. At home, find a special spot for them so they don’t get lost. I’ve gone crazy looking for one of my 0.5 lb micro plates in the middle of a workout. 

When you go hunting to buy these, you might be a little put off by how expensive they are compared to the little amount of iron you’re getting.

Trust me, they’re worth ever penny.

You’re paying for the magic.

No smoke. No mirrors. Just progress.

Get strong as hell,

Coach Ken

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