02 Jun

What’s at your core?

We all have a central philosophy that guides how we act, and choose to live our lives. 

The heart of the 2nd 50 Strong program is the Core 4. These four exercises mimic the natural movements we make. Our bodies already favor these motions because we’ve been doing them regularly since we got past crawling. Combined, the Core 4 strengthens every muscle in our body.

These four basic movements are:

-Standing up from a seated position. We certainly do that enough everyday.

-Picking up something from the floor. Raising four kids I’ve picked up so much stuff, I’m surprised I’m not permanently bent over.

-Reaching for something overhead. My wife, being 4’11’’, lives her entire life doing this.

-Pushing something away from you. Not as common during the day, but still a very basic movement, and rounds out the program nicely.

At 2nd50strong, we perform these motions the way our own unique bodies can do them by using a barbell. It’s safer and simpler than using dumbbells, and that meets two of the three requirements of our program.

What are these four life changing exercises? Allow me to introduce you.

The Squat. This mimics standing up from a seated surface. The mother of all weight training exercises. No exercise exists that is more impactful and important for your physical health.

The Deadlift. This mimics picking something up from the floor. The name comes from the motion starting from a dead stop on the ground. You are not required to kill anyone doing this exercise.

The press. This mimics reaching overhead in a standing position. This exercise uses the least amount of weight, and continually humbles my teenagers.

The Bench Press. This mimics pushing something away from you. It is the only exercise in the Core 4 that is not done in standing. We lay on a bench for this, so I call bench press day ‘Lazy day.’ I very much look forward to it.  

Yes, we need some equipment. Starting with a good barbell and some weights. We will need a rack for positioning the barbell at different heights, a bench, and something to cover the floor. 

This will cost money by either going to a gym, or purchasing them yourself. More information will come on getting the right equipment. This is a small investment that pays HUGE dividends. You can’t put a price on a healthy, active body. 

We’ll be going deeper into each of the Core 4 exercises in future posts. In the meantime, you may want to get the book, “The Barbell Prescription.” By Richard Sullivan MD, and Andy Baker. The Core 4, and their importance is explained perfectly. I own, have read, and refer to this book regularly. There are few things you can do in your 2nd 50 years that are more important than buying this book. 

If you want to have a body that can kick some butt, not much will help you more than these four exercises. After breathing and drinking water, it’s a very short list.

Simple + Short + Safe = Strong. The Core 4 makes this happen by loading, with weights, the normal motions you already do. No frills. No fancy. Just effective. 

Very, very effective.

After staying with the program for a while, your idea about yourself will shift.  Your core will change a little. 

You’ll like that change.

Get strong as hell,

Coach Ken

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