28 May

Remember the days at the school playground? 

Climbing up the monkey bars, chasing other kids around, and going up and down on the seesaw? The playground was a place of chaos, and a needed break from sitting all day in the classroom. Having too much stability creates a need for motion to balance it out.  

But unfortunately, motion and stability have a hard time existing together. 

Just like you and me on the seesaw, if mobility goes up, stability goes down. They’re opposites. Life shows us that this is a basic rule.

But there is an exception.

We can find motion and stability existing together in the tiny atom and our huge solar system. Movement circling around a stable center point that it’s attracted to. 

Heck, even my crazy family revolves around a stable center point, my amazing wife. 

The atomic / solar system exception works so perfectly, we’ve modeled our strength system after it. In our 2nd 50 Strong framework, our stable center point is the Core 4 exercises. 

You can try many things to stave off aging, but if they don’t revolve around the Core 4, you’ll only have limited success. 

You have hobbies? Great. Revolve them around the Core 4.

You like to walk? Play tennis? Go to the movies? Revolve them around the Core 4.

Revolving your day around the Core 4 will make your body incredibly stable, while increasing your life’s mobility as you have more fun living it.

All of this, by the way, is incredibly easy to do, considering doing the Core 4 will take up only 120 minutes of your ENTIRE week. The other 97% of your time will be enjoying the effects of your new 2nd 50 Strong program. 

The Core 4 should be in the same category as eating, getting dressed, and brushing our teeth. We rarely find excuses to skip eating all day, or go to the store in our pajamas. We always find time to get these things done, and so it is with doing the Core 4. 

Having a strong and stable body allows us to move more, and have an active exciting life. We’re just like the atom and our Solar System. 

We become the exception.

So if you want a mobile, action filled life, you’ll need to have the Core 4 at your center.

But if we get rid of our our stable center, we can’t sustain the activity. It all doesn’t work anymore, and the mobility goes away.

So build your stable center. Make friends with the Core 4.

But watch out! 

I’m about to be sneaky and jump off my side of the seesaw and you’ll come crashing down.

I’ve never done that before - Ahem. 

You may want to do it to me first. 

Get strong as hell,

Coach Ken

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