14 Apr

Buying a barbell is an adoption process.

By taking in a new barbell and giving it a home, the life we’re saving is our own.

We care for it and give it some love. We grab a hold and move it around a while, and it gives us a whole new level of life. That’s a strong connection we’re making.

I can picture my barbell with its tongue hanging out and tail wagging, just waiting for me to pick it up and play with it again. Yep, sounds like adoption to me.

Our barbell will be a faithful companion for the rest of our lives, and to the next generation we give it to. They live a very long time.

There’s no need to adopt dumbbells. They’re already more popular and get used more frequently. So it’s the lonely barbell left sitting in the window wondering why nobody wants it. 

Well, we want it.

Barbells are the best way to get strong. Bodybuilders use dumbbells to look strong. 

I used dumbbells for a while and looked stronger than I was. When it came time to use the strength I thought I had, it wasn’t there. I felt fake and embarrassed. Never again.....

Barbell training will grow our muscles, but our strength will grow faster. Getting consistently stronger over a long period of time is our mission. Dumbbells create a host of problems for this, and barbells have all the solutions.

Your barbell is at the core of your weight lifting experience. It connects your body to the weight you’re moving. 

How you experience your barbell will drastically affect the quality of your workout.

If you plan on getting 2nd50strong at home, adopting your barbell is the most important thing you’ll do. The fun part is you get the pick of the litter when shopping for one. But the buying process can be overwhelming and complicated.

Barbells have become specialized with many choices. Marketing makes each bar stand out from the others, when most differences aren’t that dramatic.

If you go to a gym to get 2nd50strong, it’s good to know which barbell to pick up. Your gym should have a few different barbells hanging around. 

Choosing the correct one will definitely increase your gym experience.

In a gym your barbell choices will be limited. They’re often not the best quality, and gym owners buy them in bulk to save money. 

These are called “Gym bars” and will do the job, but won’t give you a great experience.

Some serious gyms have great barbells, new and vintage.They’re typically smaller gyms and privately owned. It’s a big score to find a gym like that. 

So let’s learn about the barbell adoption process, and see which one is best for you and your family. 

There are a few parts to this.  Let’s move onto part two.

I’m excited! Let’s go.

Get strong as hell,

Coach Ken

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